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Posts posted by AnkhRa

  1. Not here to bash Ghost, but this shit right here! Oh and this ended up being a semi review*sowwy* It came right on time. MP is cool so far, reminds me of black ops 2 with the pick 13 and overall presentation imo. Gorgeous game on my PS4 and my bro in laws XB1. My internet went down so my judgements are solely based on local bots and XB1 mp, but the little I played was frantic and fun. Zipping in and out of cover is fun, gives it a new tactic to process because of the finite dash, caught a few (and myself) not taking that in account. Survival is survival, it was fun in MW3, not so much the last CoD, but its a solid side game to try and master casually. Zombies looks cool, but the jury is still out on it, reminds me of Dawn of the Dead 2000's undead. Its no shock that this won't be a copy of Treyarch zombs (i know i know) but i think its a nice appetizer to appease our zombie killing jollies, but definitely not going to expect a whole lot of training more or less running around like extinction. Hopefully some type of spoiler or crossover weirdness (easteregg of a single roamer with blue eyes) will pop up in the future as shout out to the Granddaddy of zombies, without cheapening either title. AW is a solid game, but the honeymoon period is far from over. Gotta wait and see if traditional cod issues will burn us by february or march

  2. Off topic a little but I just got screwed riding the tank the other day on solo, randomly went down in the center of the tank, screen went black as if I got stepped on although Freya was just beginning her walk through. Really going to invest my money in the other BO1 packs i'm missing. Just tired of bs bugs, people who want to camp with/without glitches, kiddies box rushing before they have Jugg, and randoms who go 25 rounds with no down but ragequit because they do something dumb like not leaving enough room between themselves and the wall that traps them. ps3 has the worst community for CoD. Did I mention having 15 year olds getting mad because I won't gameshare with them. Seriously, I'm not going to just give people my info tied to my bank account. Anyways, Activision will only support b.s. patches if it makes them cash at this point, I don't even know what the last two "security" patches were for except updating the game to accept camos for the hack fest known as multiplayer.

  3. It looks good, havent upgraded next gen yet so it may be my BD present to myself when I do upgrade in the fall. My PS3 is still so full of life, so it may not be until price drop season. I wish they would do more current events or detail things in the not-so-distant PAST. I will be at the in-laws house for that first month until I can get a good feel and honest opinion about it.

  4. Whats up guys and gals! Im new to the forum even though there have been times I silently stalked these topics to get info for Zombies. Lets see... Im a chemistry major out of Val State University, i started playing CoD with friends on MW/MW2, my first actual buy was Blops1 and blops2 was when I started playing more than casual games. I used to suck at zombies on Kino til a random teammate taught me the basics (maximizing points, training, being patient/careful) ever since then ive been hooked. Sorry for grammar mistakes, i'm posting through my phone. Anyway, looking foward to being apart of this robust zombie killing community!

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