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Posts posted by PortlyLlama80

  1. For me, at least overall, it has to be Call of the Dead, I absolutely loathe that map with every single fiber of my being, every single thing about that map is terrible, George, the V-R11, the god forsaken Fog, among other things! god, just, it really is the only map I will refuse to play, it is boring, so tedious, so annoying and my god, just terribly designed. hell, I'll dare to say Tranzit was better designed then CoTD.


    speaking of Tranzit, that would have to be it for me on Black Ops 2, I don't really hate Tranzit, it's just that the fog, fire and denizens are annoying, and the map gets very boring and tedious quickly, but I'll play it.

  2. @PortlyLlama80

    I believe that, because it leaked, they decided to show us the full trailer anyway.

    Hopefully a beta gameplay trailer on Sunday.


    I know Naitrax, I was just joking, smart enough move by Sledgehammer, since the cat was already out of the bag, might as well release it now.


    Hopefully we'll get something on Sunday like they originally planned in place of the Reveal Trailer.


    Fuck, I'm actually kind of excited for this, the idea of fighting for the Villain sounds interesting.

  3. Welcome to CoDZ man, we got a great group of people here, excellent people who just like to sit around, joke, make nonsense and kill some Zombie bitches.


    I unfortunately do not have PSN, so I can not play with you, but welcome to the board anyway!

  4. Dating


    the Game Room

    Las Vegas Strip

    Outside the Testing Range




    Tank Dempsey

    Nikolai Belinski

    Takeo Masaki

    Dr. Edward Richtofen


    New Controller of the Zombies

    Vladimir Zharkov


    Starting Equipment

    .357 Magnum (new starting Pistol)

    2 Frag Grenades




    Edward Richtofen's plan to try and take over the Zombies failed, not because of Richtofen's actions, but because of the interference of one man, named Vladimir Zharkov, a Soviet spy who accidently got himself sucked into the MPD while testing Element 115 powered Super Weapons at a Secret Soviet Base under the Las Vegas Strip, now with the ultimate power in the world, Zharkov has unleashed Zombies upon the Strip, so he may be able to finish his master plan to destroy the United States, our Heroes must unwittingly stop the Mad Russian, and make sure he loses all his power, however does Richtofen have ulterior motive for coming to Vegas?


    Map Design


    Spawn Room


    The Spawn Room is the Lobby of the Lucky Belle Casino and Hotel, the Room is lit up, but darkish, thanks to the power having gone out in the chaos of the Vegas outbreak, the Room is slightly small, Being roughly as big as the starting room on Kino, minus the upper floor, there are Four Windows, Zombies are coming from outside the Casino, from the Strip itself, as well as two windows on the inside, On the side of the room that faces the strip, the two metal doors that people would use to enter the Strip are closed, however if you walk up to them, you are given the indicator "The Power Must Be Turned On", what could this mean? you're exit from the Room are a pair of double Doors behind the Check in Counter. opening one door opens the other,


    Speaking of the Check in Counter, There is a grabable item hidden behind the Counter, it is a Silver Key, what does it go to?


    Located here is Quick Revive (1500 in Co-Op, 500 in Solo), as well as a buy for the M14 (500 Points), and Ballista (500 Points)



    Map is a Work in Progress......

  5. I would personally be absolutely pissed if this was true, no offense to Playstation players, but I am a devoted 360 user, and plan to get a Xbox One probably when the next Treyarch game comes out for it, I have a PS3, and probably will get a PS4, but I have no plans to buy COD for two separate systems, I am buying for Xbox, so I would be a bit miffed, no offense to any PS users, just how I feel.

  6. What he means is, IW is essentially no more. Think about it, those behind IW left when the big fall out with Activision occurred, most of the staff decided leave also or were forced to leave by Activision.


    Respawn is effectively IW, sledgehammer had to be drafted in with MW3 to the IW team.


    Exactly what I mean, Respawn is effectively IW, as most of the people who made the original 2 COD's, MW1 and MW2 were all fired or forced to leave Activision after the fallout Post MW2, and Sledgehammer was drafted to fill in the newly empty IW team, I don't know if Sledgehammer did the Single Player, but I do know Sledgehammer were the main developers of both MW3 and Ghost's multiplayer.


    so my point was is that Sledgehammer and the current "IW" are basically one in the same, so basically Sledgehammer now gets to make two COD's every three years, just peddling one of them under Infinity Ward's name.

  7. Getting stuck in corners, I'll be training zombies, and then make a turn, and usually ending up in me getting myself surrounded up against a wall or corner and downed.



    and the god damned Mud on Origins oh my god, I know that at least half of my deaths have come from that mud, it's such a speed trap that slows you down, you can't outrun Zombies in it, and spawns are so chaotic you can't get away in time.

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