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Posts posted by PortlyLlama80

  1. You see officer, me and my robot friend here are selling these t-shirts for our clothes store downtown, one of the orders we had to deliver for was a little girl, and she gave me her skip-it to thank us. It really was a sweet gesture, wasn't it?


    1) Troy Baker (Booker, Bioshock Infinite, Boss, Saints Row III/IV)

    2) a white T-Shirt stained in goat's blood

    3) a giant pink dildo

  2. Finally got my copy of the game, this game is just amazing. I had faith in the game when I saw that Bethesda was making it, but man, this just blew me away, one of the best games I have played practically ever. It's just fun, engaging, and everything just plays smooth.


    And the Dual Wielding is just so much fun, nothing beats taking two Automatic Shotguns and running up to a clueless Nazi and blowing his face off.

  3. It'll probably be worth it regardless of the "reviews". Wolfenstein 2009 was a really cool game, even though it apparently sold pretty poorly.


    Wolfenstein 2009 was a amazing game. I really enjoyed the campaign and loved the slight cheesiness and supernatural aspects. The game also encouraged me to get Wolfenstein 3D, a amazing game in it's own right.


    I never pay attention to how well a game sells or how the reviews come in. one of my favorite games that I ever played was Turning Point: Fall of Liberty. And many from what I read considered it one of the worst games of all time.

  4. Welcome to the site man, it's interesting that you play on the Wii, considering I've never met anyone who played CoD on Wii :D


    But welcome, we hope you enjoy you're stay and we are excited to have you.

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