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Posts posted by ware

  1. I think what you said is likely. Why? Well i am not sure where i heard it, but i do remember in an interview they mentioned how the story was very community driven. It was written by committee in more then a few ways. When something is created in such a way, it is very hard to continue the story and also appeal all the original fans. I much rather the team start fresh, with a whole new storyline, without trying to appeal to any of the lore or backstory the community has formed so far.

  2. So here is my break down

    Both pieces start the same until about 17 seconds in. In Samantha's rest you hear a low horn before returning to the beginning melody.

    In Samantha's lullaby, at 17 seconds, you hear the same horn, but i believe it to be a bit higher in pitch, as well as hearing a female voice sing ontop of that. There seems to be a wider range of sounds used in Samantha's lullaby in comparison to Samantha's rest

  3. Alright so this is my first post, so bare with me a bit.

    I am just going to assume everyone here has payed attention to the pre release of origins as well.

    Before origins came out we got the opening cinematic trailer. The first version had what most people on here called a 90-year old chain smoker. About a week later, the trailer came out again and featured the voice of Samantha that was used during the map. Why?

    Alot of people said this was just an accident, or maybe that they did not have a voice prepared, so they used this one until another was ready. For me though, i have a different theory.

    If we are to go by the ending, and assume this is just a game, i believe there are two Samanthas. Well kinda not really. There is the Samantha in the real world with Eddie, this is the easter egg Samantha. Then i believe the demonic announcer of this map, is also Samantha, as to me atleast, she sounds like the chain smoker from the first trailer. Why is there a difference? I see it almost as the demonic announcer is like the Dungeon Master, for those of you who play classic rpgs, the DM is the one who controls the came and influences the mechanics and settings of the scenario. The second Samantha, is like an NPC for a standard rpg. She is there to give you a quest and help you along side it.

    So uh yeah, i hope atleast someone was able to understand that nonsense. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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