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Posts posted by ShrubbySoup

  1. They could always put the story out in the future, though. Nintendo did it with the Legend of Zelda timeline. Now that we have a clear cut beginning they could fill up some of the gaps. I'd honestly doubt that they'd put one up anytime soon, though.

    Agreed, not anytime soon, but i can see it being a REALLY good extra for the prestige edition. You know a little hardback booklet, some cool concept art of guns and characters etc, you know, add a few in game tokens and camo's and you've got your £60 right there! XD

  2. Hi guys, this is one of my first posts on this forum so please forgive me if i make mistakes XD. I was looking for the zombies story, any info on how far along we have got on it, all in one place such as a pdf or word file?


    I was wondering why Treyarch haven't released on official story or actual info on this, and how i could trust whatever i'm being given ( without sounding like an A**hole :D )


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