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Posts posted by SDS1991

  1. We were playing the buried map earlier and i was on my boyfriends xbox as a guest account, he used his own account. We got to round 22 and all of a sudden out of no where we just went down. No reason at all for it. We looked back in the theater and there is nothing around us, no crawling zombies or grenades or anything, but when we went down we both did at the exact same time then we heard the laugh like when the box disappears. We had already got the giant to hit the box so it would stay where it was and looking back in the theater the box was still in the same place. Anyone have any idea why this would have happened? The other person in the game with us didn't die but he was in the bank, while we were around near the giants cell. We are absolutely certain there was nothing there to hit us and we can't really understand why we heard Richtofen laugh just as we both went down? Weird..

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