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Posts posted by islandofjoshes

  1. Is this your own theory or did you read this somewhere else? Can't really tell.

    Did i spell all the names right by the way lol.

    Also you spelled "Richtofen", and "Nikolai" wrong BTW. :D

    This comes from stuff i heard read about and my own theory's

  2. So maxis and Richthofen were studying trying to make super soldiers maxis was studying robots and Richthofen was studying on real humans his results were the original 3 and himself. maxis made a robot and we know that that is going to be in origins but this was before richtofen and maxis started studying so there would be know robot nor would the original crew be super soldiers so i wonder how this is going to play through. Also i am looking forward to nicoli's jokes :D . Did i spell all the names right by the way lol.

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