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Posts posted by OxygenThief

  1. So I joined a zombie nazi game on world at war and within seconds the sky area on the outside started glowing different colors like red and green and purple then next thing everything was speeded up and we all got infinite ammo. Anyway shortly during this the game stopped.

    How do they do this? is it a glitch or a hack? its actually kind of funny.

  2. 'leave as soon as as I see someone like this as I know we will not survive long.'

    Yeh because if you trying to go the distance by passing as many levels as you can you NEED all other 3 players not to die early and be good. If someone dying early then you just know there going to be no use and be the disadvantage that gets you all killed later.

    If someones going to die early then let them die. Don't bother reviving them and just ignore them. A lot of my friends are bad but get to high rounds with a lot of downs because good players carry them there and let them die over and over. Honestly it's not difficult to ignore someone.

    no because you need their firepower later on. You not got a hope in hell of gettin to the higher levels with just 3 players.

  3. On the 360. I used to play it a lot about 3 years back and managed to get to level 19 with 3 other reliable team mates on Nacht der Untoten. I recently am getting back into it and hoping I can beat the level 19 I got to but the trouble now is actually getting 3 other reliable team members. I don't ask for much but I am having trouble finding random players that are any good I seem to get in games where morons are AFK (its obviously to much work for them to turn off there game while they go eat dinner or whatever) and idiots who blow themselves up with their own nades and other cretins who end up needing people to revive them at level 2!! I end up leaving as soon as I see someone like this as I know we will not survive long. What really annoys me is people who just leave mid-match! a few times I have actually been in a good game with 3 other good team mates then one of them just drops randomly and then we all die shortly after due to the fact we have less firepower. Seriously why are people such idiots online?

    Does anyone else have these problems?

    also does anyone play this map regularly? I trying to perhaps find some people who are reliable and not noobs who I can play this map with sometimes.

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