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Posts posted by madshayne

  1. I have a good one, but it seemed really annoying at the moment.

    Ok, here goes:

    I was playing die rise with my sister, and we were at round 25, the crawler round.

    we wanted the free perk so we were using trample steams, and for zombies we used the PDW stairs sliquifier camping strat. So yeah, we couldnt see anymore crawlers, so I assumed we had only one left. His jumping could be heard from beneath speed cola, in the trample steam room. I was scared he might die because of the elevator and our powerup might not be acquirable. but it turns out he was stuck at the door you open in the traple steam room. so, incase we didnt get anything useless, we wasted all our money on the three oerks we had, speed cola, mule kick, and quick revive, those were in our building. we both had jugg. So now we had about 1200 points. I went and opened the debris, and not one, but THREE MAGICAL TELEPORTING MONKEY THINGS POPPED OUT. I got downed, my sister revived me but got downed herself, i took them out using my galvaknuckles, and revived my sister. Then i got the last one. and... TA DA! there was no perk. as you can guess, without perks, on round 26 and without the sliquifier, i fell off the buiding on round 24 with the crawler. (i had no ammo and tried to take a max ammo that was almost gone.) and i slipped. so yeah we died pretty quickly, and instead of the match ending music, the trololololol music played, well not really, but it might as well have.

  2. As the infectedone115 said in his thread, http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=100&t=34065

    croll down to the bottom, just above the spoilers.

    You see an image of a hammer striking something. And that thing has urdu writing on it. well I speak urdu and it says "mehengai" wich is a way of saying expensive.


    Aaaj kall - mehangai bohat barh gai hai-

    These days - everything is very expensive-

    So what could this mean?

    A dlc that is more expensive than the others?

    maybe a bonus dlc 5 that is like 20$?

    Anyway if you need any other urdu translated, I can do it.

  3. Remember guys, when bo2 hadn't come out and all these rumors were going around, and we had alot of leaked pictures, well, I just noticed, one of them predicted buried. I don't have the pic, but here are some other legit looking leaks from pre launch.


    Bridging the gap? Its alot like the die rise loading screen, notice the man at the left?


    Seems like some sort of tunnel? Notice the unique HUD and the special grenade at the bottom right.


    Worker zombies? they seem like mine workers or construction goons. Orange eyes.


    And then we have this. seems like that M8A1 map, the tunnel sort of thing, I think this is also connected to the previous picture.

    Well, thats all for now, tell me what you think.

  4. Are you saying that when you try to register, your account is banned or the site in general refuses to show because it was blocked by your internet? If the first, then there was a faulty ban that needs to be discussed. If the latter, then your host or internet protocol for your area will not allow you to go on this site for a specific reason.

    It was the latter. Before the site went down, everything was fine.

  5. I live in Pakistan, and whenever I need to go on this site, I have to turn on my proxy software. For some reason, it won't work without a proxy. I think its banned, like youtube is, maybe its the Nazi-ism, or maybe just the links to youtube? I don't know.

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