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Posts posted by ZombieMad

  1. In Moon radios, Richtofen is a normal, if reliant to listen to Maxis, scientist. He became the mad Richtofen we love, because of "The voices" which we still don't know who they may be, maybe they're what's really behind this? (I like the theory, but I think MoTD was just a test to see if the campaign guys could do a cool map, which they did, just not a good storyline in my opinion)

  2. I'd love to see that as the next map, but I think the place is a long shot. There's been a lot of theories as to the death of the N4 and I think that's true. Also at the Buried comic there's a blueprint of a 935 thing (don't know what it is, possibly an installation) similar to der rise. Guys at PTG have been saying (not theorizing) that it's for the next game, since the next map's comic is in mob of the dead, but I personally don't trust their assumptions that much and we may see the O4 in a group 935 installation of some sort (maybe they built an actual installation that houses a gateway to agartha? who knows, that is the exciting part of this).

  3. I think that in both easter eggs the N4 are going to die. Maxis's side is obvious, he says so himself! In Richtofen's side is not so obvious, but when you go on infinity mode you can actually see yourself dead on Buried, so MAYBE that's the end of the line for them (On Richtofen 's full easter egg he says he can possess any body he wants, so he can go back to his body also whenever he wants to).

    Wouldn't be able to say where the O4 are right now, but maybe the next easter egg would be either to stop Maxis from completely destroying Earth or to stop Edward from gaining full control of the Aether (Anything can happen on zombies!)

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