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Beef Supreme

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Posts posted by Beef Supreme

  1. I don't believe this is a map where the O4 have time travelled to. It is my belief that this is the first map in the timeline of everything.

    This map will, I believe, explain how the O4 meet initially, as well as explain out some of the details we've been wanting for. If I'm remembering correctly, the O4 had their memories erased, this map/event is the whole reason for them being erased I believe.

  2. My personal thought on this matter is that the events that are about to unfold in Origins are truly what happened. We will finally see why the O4 had their memories erased and the whole reason Der Riese is called Der Riese is because the giant robots were encountered here/now and transported to a location so that a facility could be built around them. Der Riese wasn't named such so they could build "the giant," but so they could study it/them and learn from their technology.

  3. ARGH!!!!!! Literally spent about 2 hours on the final step of the easter egg a few nights ago. It's ridiculous that all 4 people have to get 100% accuracy on the sharpshooter part of them. Why not allow 3 out of 4 to get 100%, or a collective 90% accuracy?

    We finally managed to get the Richtofen easter egg done, but not until AFTER one of my good friends pretty much rage quit and we picked up another person. An easter egg shouldn't require such a stringent step to complete... they are supposed to be fun, perhaps even in-depth, side missions to do for those that want to immerse themselves further in the story line, garner another achievement, or just change things up from the "let's just kill zombies."

    Any one else feel like venting?

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