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Posts posted by gdavis024

  1. I'm not sure if I saw any one post about this yet but I found out something pretty cool about wall weapons. I'm not sure of the exact steps because I haven't had a chance to replicate but i'm pretty sure it's straight forward. 


    I had two weapons upgraded a few times each, the first weapon was from the box and the second weapon was a bulldog purchased in the spawn area. At one point I went down, died, lost everything, grabbed my tombstone, and got back the upgraded gun back that I bought from the box. Then a couple rounds passed and I went to buy the bulldog again and when I purchased it off the wall this time, it was automatically full upgraded to the point where it was when I died and lost it. 


    So this leads me to believe that if you buy a wall weapon, upgrade it, die and lose the weapon that if you re-purchase the gun from the wall, it returns to you upgraded to the point when lost it. 


    Let me know if any of you guys have had similar experiences. 



    EDIT: Didn't feel like making a new post but something useful I also noticed which is probably more obvious but you can purchase the Exo Ability equivalent of quick revive on solo even before you get an exo suit. 

  2. Not sure if anyone is interested but I just made an Exo Zombies IRC channel: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=%23exozombies&uio=d4

    Anyone is free to join. I just thought this could be a solid place for people to share information/tips/tricks/findings as they are discovered on Sledgehammer's new zombies mode. I'm just really excited and have been waiting for zombs for a while. Good luck slaying all. May all your bullets be plentiful and fly straight.

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