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Posts posted by Wietkonijn

  1. To get the redeemer you have to last one round ONLY with the retriever. U cant kill the zombies with anything else. As soon as the round ends wait till a new one starts and then leave the bridge. When u are on the island again u need to survive one round. When you've done that you can go down to where the retriever was, enter afterlife and take your redeemer. For the skulls they are a bit tricky sometimes. At the one in the docks on the lamp near jug, stand in the corner left of the window to the opposite side of the jug and look up. Then u want to jump and while in your jump throw the retriever. I dont know which skull has been troubling you but this has always been troubling me. Hope this helped :D

  2. You can find the sheets in the showers. Open the door in front of you with the wardens key, then go to the back of the showers, hop in to afterlife and power the washing machine which is in the in the cage you just opened. Get out of afterlife and activate the washing machine by holding x or f depends on console. Then 24 zombies will be spawned. Kill them all and you can take the sheets out of the washing machine.

    The next part is in the infirmary. Just go to the dog location and to the right you can find a cabinet with the part in it

    The ropes are in the tunnels. Go trough the showers into the tunnels until you get to this spiral thing. Walk down it and open the cage thing with the numbers which is on the bottom. Then walk back up and go into afterlife. While in afterlife walk back down. while you walk down you will see numbers on the walls. Remember these numbers and when u are at the bottom enter the number code by shocking the panels under the numbers. When u entered the right code go back to your body. Then you need to go all the way back down again and open the door to your right. Then walk down past the uzi and when u can go left. U should find the part there.

    The next part is at the docks. Go to where the tommy gun is and look to your left. You should see a gate which can be opened with the key. Open it use the afterlife switch which is in it and power the panel that is right next to it. The other gate containing the part should open.

    For the last part you need to go to where the dog location is in the docks. To the right of the dog there is a door. It cost 1500 open it. Use the afterlife switch which is in the room. Now you need to overshock 3 machines. Look on the ground till you find 3 cables. Follow them and you will find the machines. One of them is in a wall which you can go trough in afterlife. If u found them all go to the wardens office. If you look to the left of the uzi in the office u will see that the gate which was previously under electricity is turned off. Now you can open it with the key and get the last part.

    Hope this helped :D

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