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Posts posted by LmJonesyy

  1. Welcome to the community, friendo!

    Ah, so you're a Solo Slayer? I could never fathom trying to reach high rounds alone; I'm always forced to enjoy the company of those who also love slaying. But hopefully you'll share with us some of your strategies to reaching higher rounds. :)

    Enjoy your stay, and keep slayin'!

    Thanks for the warm welcome (: yeah, I can only play multiplayer with my people I can trust or know how to actually play. Another large reason why I joined CoDz :3 And definitely would love sharing any kind of help that will help other players reach dem rounds

  2. Welcome to the site. We all like high rounds her =) well most of us do. Even though its getting quite Boring to do solo attempts now with all the tedious tasks to do before rather than simply killing zombies.

    Haha yeah :P about round 50+ it just gets repetitive and tedious, but thank God for the hell's redeemer in MOTD totally helps with the higher rounds :)

  3. Definitely your first. In one of the Uprising DLC trailers one of the directors that was talking about MOTD stated the zombies team gave them the schematics for the map and all of the EE and such for the map, let them build it so they could start working hard on DLC 3 & 4 so it's gonna be EPIC.

  4. I've been following the CoDz twitter for the longest time... And just joined the actual site haha, so. Introducing myself, I'm a zombie commentator that like to go High Rounds in solo and even co op dual comms, strategies ad tips for zombies and just zombies in general. I'm kind of addicted and in love :3 But yeah! This is me and you can call me Jonesy! :D

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