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Posts posted by OlyHD

  1. You have wasted none of my time:) however, I too thought Die Rise took place in Shanghai, China (reply to the person above) due to the fact that the Jin Mao Tower is visible from the map but when you are choosing the map (hovering over the elevator symbol) it is not by the sea. Like Shanghai is. It is towards the Middle East more. This makes me think that the city Die Rise takes place in is either Kashi, China, which is not very big, or Urumqi, China, which is bigger and kinda of a major city. But, the map could indeed be in Shanghai because if you open the door in the starting room and go towards the M14 and go next to the buyable opening by the escalator and look right, there is a picture of Shanghai. And if you put two and two together, the Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai and the picture, it could most deffinately be in Shanghai. But i am convinced it's not because the SWFC (Shanghai World Financial Center) Which is next to the Jin Mao Tower is not there. Thank you for taking your time to read this. I love this stuff :)

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