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Posts posted by JoeTheGreatest

  1. Ooh I like that, sounds feasible. Could do with dusting off my copy of WaW and having a look at it again.

    As for the Avogadro I've always thought that the way we're introduced to him, through the whole power sequence, suggested that some human had ran into the power box to take cover from the zombies and then when we turn the power back on... poof! Electric zombie monster.

  2. Just as an alternative way of looking at all the information what if the next map is in Antartica? If we're assuming we're forming a triangle out of these 3 towers then we're going to be ending up with a rather skewed triangle if we're going to France next and the centre of it by my reckoning might just make it into the mediterranian sea but I'm not convinved. A triangle using Antartica as one of the points could put us in any of 3 oceans.

    Further more l GRILL l made some really great points (http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=103&t=27081) about Lake Vostok being connected to the zombies story aswell as pointing to another nazi conspiracy about the nazis having created an underground base, connecting it to the buried code we saw in the map.

    Personally though I believe that Lake Vostok was were we explored in Call of the Dead and so we're not going to be going back there.

    In my honest opinion I think Rickety Cricket was dead on with his idea that the next map will be in Britain (viewtopic.php?f=103&t=29310&p=284880&hilit=britain#p284880). Some really great points are made in the post but probably the most significant is the link in Jimmy Z's twitter bio (https://twitter.com/ZielinskiJimmy) first link under the comment about zombies, which points towards the Watt Steam Engine which happens to look an awful lot like the image in the corner of the Die Rise comic. This would mean we would be talking industrial revolution and so the references to 'buried' in the code would be to the mining that was undergone during the IR. Less convinced about any triangle that would be formed out of this but it's no worse than one created by the next map being Paris.

    Anyway, just wanted to put forward some different ideas.

  3. I think the door closing and all the chains and such being locked up again are just some entity closing the doors on Die Rise so that when we 'respawn' or in the game are reincarnated the map is the same setup as when we started.

    Kinda creepy the idea of that entity just hanging around though, waiting for us to die.

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