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Posts posted by Epishade

  1. This was the one thing that made the jetgun even semi-good. The intended way of using it is godawful and most everyone (I would think) probably feels cheated out of a wonder weapon that doesn't take two minutes to kill 24 zombies (the intended way). When I finally figured out about the precharge, I started doing it with claymores, which worked about twice as fast as regular precharge. Now that they've patched that too, I don't see any reason to ever try going for a record breaker on this map again.

    Knife precharge just isn't the same and is so much more dangerous (you can't look at the zombies or else you'll lunge at them). The one thing I actually liked about this map...patched, when it was desperately needed.

  2. I wish there were incorporated leagues for grief. That would be great because I'm always struggling to find good people to play against that don't quit as soon as the game starts/they go down, and are able to last until at least round 10 (you'd be surprised how many of my games end sooner than that).

  3. Ok, so I just played another game with a friend. Nothing out of the ordinary happened (that I could tell) until the start of round 5. I heard the noise that you get when you lose a persistent upgrade. I'm positive it wasn't me losing the headshot upgrade because I had gotten it a bit ago and still had it after hearing the sound (I checked by shooting a zombie in the chest and his head popped off).

    I didn't get any points either like in your video with the quick revive. I also attempted buying a perk the game before that just to see if the same thing would happen, which it didn't.

    Looks like we got a mystery upgrade.

  4. I haven't seen this posted here yet so I figured I'd put it in.

    Sry for the quality as well, I don't have a video camera and had to use my phone.

    Also yeah, I know I was "cheating", I don't really care.


    edit: not sure how to do the youtube thing (embedding?)

    I think I got the flash because I killed a some zombies with the sliquifier using direct hits, and not killing any additional zombies with splash damage.

    No idea what the flash does either.

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