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Posts posted by Cstone18

  1. Wunder Weapon name: The Freezer(The FR33Z1FI3R 3000)

    Ammo: 15 Cans of freeze/10 second of freeze in each can/can be shot in short bursts for ammo conservation

    Damage:Freezes zombies in place and takes 1/4 of their health away, so that you can finish them off with the.....

    The Hellfire(The Gun That God Made)

    Ammo: 10 cans of gasoline/10 seconds of fire each

    Damage:50 damage every second shot/can kill multiple zombies

    Their should also be a Easter Egg where you can acquire a upgraded Wunderwaffe that shoots 20 flechetes and each flechete does 75 damage each

    I know I'll probably get a lot of hate on this but it is a pretty good base concept.

  2. I think it would be a great idea if each character had certain advantages and disadvantages to them,for example russman might aim down sights faster but be a touch slower than the other character or maybe Richtofen drinks perks faster or the PaP machine might PaP his gun faster but he also cost him a extra 100 points to do everything?

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