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Posts posted by daltaan

  1. I recommend saving the EM1 to get the card in the incinerator because you can blast the floor with it while pressing x the whole time just in case you can't see the card. As far as I know it's the only gun that doesn't reload when you press x so it makes things a little easier.

  2. This EE is so annoying. First time I choked because I couldn't remember where Rose McGowan's finger pad was (Turned out I was looking in the right area but I just couldn't find it even though I tried for about 6 rounds). Second time I was Bill Paxton so I thought "At least this time finding the finger pad will be easy". Nope. Had to go in the incinerator about 20 times and never got the damn card to pop up even though I was blasting every square inch with an Ameli (I'm aware that you can't see it sometimes... was pressing X all over the place but never picked anything up.) I guess that's going to be the first card I go for next time because that was really frustrating. It's such a simple EE that is made randomly difficult by a couple of steps requiring luck + a lack of pause ability and no ability to keep a zombie alive (I ended up having to piss both times but chose to hold it over dying). That and the random cost of the trash chute screws you over if the incinerator card is being a dick.  Why should it randomly cost 2k points to jump in a trash chute? Bastards.

  3. if they dident finish the fire or wind staff challenge, then how did you see them upgrade their staves? can you upgrade a staff once its challenge is complete and you insert it into its alter in the crazy place.? can you upgrade the staves one by one or do you have to have all 4 in the alters in order to charage them with zombies?

    They did them individually but it may be easier to do them all at once if you feel like waiting that long.


    discovery is at 2:06:15.

    demonstration is at 2:11:00.

  4. did you see the fire staff challenge solution while watching this?(the tourches in the church/markings on the wall/ inserting all the woden tokens in the holy water. also this info you have provided sounds correct. i dident watch his stream.

    No, they had only finished the ice and lightning challenges. They died halfway through the wind one because they were looking for a 4th target thing instead of the smoking statue things and maxis kept killing their last zombie. lol.

  5. I think it's worth noting that while I was watching mcsportzhawk stream one of his teammates discovered that after you insert each staff onto it's altar in the crazy place you must kill zombies in the crazy place in order to upgrade the staff. Once you kill enough zombies the upgraded staff will teleport to it's place at the excavation site. The upgraded staff will have spikes that make it an effective melee weapon, a chargeable blast that uses more ammo but chain kills zombies for a few seconds, and the opposite end can be used to revive from a distance with limited ammo.

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