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Posts posted by zombiepokemon1

  1. Hey fellow COD members! I would like to make as many zombie-crazed-killing friends on this site, as well as find people to help me unravel the mysteries of the COD: Zombies Storyline for Black Ops 2.

    Another matter to attend to. YouTube-dedicated fans have been much into speculation of whether there is more to the story after completing the Tower of Babble achievement. Well guys, I have found something completely astonishing. Most of the Youtubers out there have guessed it, and many parts to it. The ONLY piece of advice I'm giving: STAY TRUE TO MAXIS!!!!! (what he says...) And guess what? You'll have to do more snooping than you ever will have imagined.

    I plan on releasing a YouTube channel dedicated to this series (and it will not have what I found, at least not to soon; once people find it, I will release some tutorials). If you plan on snooping with me some, PM my PSN account. Don't get mad if I don't respond right away, as I can't play during the weekdays, but I try to get in as much time as possible.

    Thank you all very much, and have a nice morning!

    P.S. For all of the people that will just go off: Where is the proof? At least show us something...

    Part of the forum rules. No spoilers allowed...only official spoilers from Treyarch.

    This is also not a spoiler. It admits there is something else, but only gives you advice on how to find it.

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