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Posts posted by supercooldude117

  1. I thought that image was fake? Oh well, it does bear a strong resemblance to Die Rise.

    I really thought it was, specially because it looks nothing like green run, but now with the die rise thing and the fact that there is a juggernog machine there makes me think its concept art for die rise.

    A picture like this could be easily manufactured by a somewhat skilled troll, but I won't discredit it quite yet.

    you three are wrong about that picture being a troll the first pic is the one on the poster you got for pre-ordering the game and the die rise one is real *facepalm*

  2. So the storyline of zombies is a mix of many different conspiracies. I was watching an episode of conspiracy theory about "brain invaders" and it talks about a tower is used to project voices into peoples minds. So is the tower supposed to be the transmitter for richtofen's and whoever else is in Stuhlingers head? It could be possible, Richtofen could be trying to get into all the characters heads, it could be the reason why Marelton isn't in the trailer, like in the tranZit trailer Stuhlinger was hidden, maybe Richtofen transefered to Marelton and now knows even more than he did before. If anyone wants to watch the episode and see what you think about it heres a link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qg1TGtf_fSY

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