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Posts posted by KingKrab

  1. Darkrai, I know in real life it decays in less than a second, I said that it collapses in 100 milliseconds. But in the game it retains form and is stable and can be found in meteors in it in large quantities. Im just not sure if its found on earth in Codz universe. But the 115 mines in Shangri La makes me think it is.

  2. Hi first time posting, I have been lurking since the days of Der Riese and love the theories you come up with, so I thought I'd add my 2 cents. I was playing through the Black Ops 2 campaign when a thought struck me, is Ununpentium a rare-earth metal? In the world of Codz it does seem to be. For one thing it is stable in that universe and doesn't collapse after 100 milliseconds. So maybe the reason they go to China is because, having a monopoly on rare-earth metals, has vast amounts of 115 and this has led them to China. Richtofen was clearly harvesting the element from the zombies in the Green Run Easter so maybe he directed them to China so he can collect more of it? Its only a theory but it seems to make sense to me.

    Thanks for Reading

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