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Posts posted by yondatz

  1. Hey Guys Im Organizing a Zombies Tournament, but it will be like a World Zombies Championship, I will Join Spain community and american Community to have a good Tournament, There will be PRIZES FOR THE 3 WINNERS.

    This tournament would be for Xbox 360

    How can i join to the tournament? Well leave me this things: 

    -Team Name
    -Team Members (Gamertags)
    and message to the twitter @Torneos_Zombies

    Im not the organizer but you can ask if you have a question i will try to answer it.

    So well the plan is that:

    It would be like a World Cup like in football soccer, there would be 32 teams and well you need to classify to the tournament (like in a real world cup) this tournament will start like in 2 months weeks (i need to organize) The World Championship would last like 2 weeks. 

    So my idea is to join the Zombies Community, it will be really fun (: So i hope you join. 

    The classify thing will start in 3 weeks, so if you have a Question go to this twitter @Torneos_Zombies 

    Hope you like this project and please HELP ME (: 

  2. Hey Guys Im Organizing a Zombies Tournament, but it will be like a World Zombies Championship, I will Join Spain community and american Community to have a good Tournament, There will be PRIZES FOR THE 3 WINNERS.

    This tournament would be for Xbox 360

    How can i join to the tournament? Well leave me this things:

    -Team Name

    -Team Members (Gamertags)

    and message to the twitter @Torneos_Zombies

    Im not the organizer but you can ask if you have a question i will try to answer it.

    So well the plan is that:

    It would be like a World Cup like in football soccer, there would be 32 teams and well you need to classify to the tournament (like in a real world cup) this tournament will start like in 2 weeks (i need to organize) The World Championship would last like 1 week.

    So my idea is to join the Zombies Community, it will be really fun (: So i hope you join.

    The classify thing will start in 3 weeks, so if you have a Question go to this twitter @Torneos_Zombies

    Hope you like this project and please HELP ME (:

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