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Posts posted by MeDixieNormous

  1. The only thing I can think of it has to be patched into the game to be found.

    Unless its something they haven't allowed us to do yet.

    Maybe they r trying to make it last before the dlc comes out.

    OR it's something we aren't able to do yet.

    I would throw an epic b*tch fit if I had to download a DLC pack to get the rest of the Easter Egg.

    I hate DLC.

    Im with you here, that would be incredibly stupid but unfourtanitly in think that's how it's gunna go, really sucks tho

  2. Commitment was about RANK, For the god damn 100th time.

    Where is your proof that the commitment tweet was about the ranking?

    Because it is absolutely retarded to think commitment is about "sticking to richtofen or maxis" The proof is in the pudding. Play 4 player with people who've completed both sides and the tower glows both colors. You're not meant to "commit" to one side. The characters are designed so that you can follow both story lines in game.

    Commitment refers to blue eyes / rank man. To see all these theories about committing to rich/maxis is just absurd

    I dunno bro, it makes a lot of sence

  3. I haven't seen the audio on the guys and nav cards. But u ask why would they start now. Well I think to add to the length of the mystery. The longer it goes unsolved the longer it keeps ppl playing and busy. The truth is I don't know what to believe anymore. I'm still new to the forum but an avid zombie fan and Easter egg hunter. The trolling is at an all time high with how stumped ppl are.

    To me one of the things we have stated has to be true. It's either we have missed something and we are all slipping. Cuz at this point I figured we would of found something. And treyarch did a hell of a job hiding things. Or two we can't solve the rest of it because its either not there and it's over. Or it hasn't been patched to allow us to do it. I hope it's not the patch things because of it is prior things we have tried may be the answer but couldn't work at the time, we tried it. That kind of leads me to not believe that's the case.

    Me personally I think it's over. But as you said what else do we have to do

    Yah I'm totally with you here, but might as well keep lookin. Nothing else to do...

  4. I gotta admit OP. well thought out post, makes a lot of sense. The only thing I can think of it has to be patched into the game to be found. I just can't believe all these people looking and not finding anything. There are plenty of questions on the map. Plenty of things that don't make sense. But I still think we would of added things together by now. Unless its something they haven't allowed us to do yet.

    Maybe they r trying to make it last before the dlc comes out. I don't know at this point. I agree with everything you say. The things you listed don't add up. But either we all are missing something. OR it's something we aren't able to do yet. At this point it seems we need some help.

    The more I think about it the more I find my self believing what you say. I agree with your comments. The only things that hold be back from that I doubt Treyarch would have to patch something into the game. They never have before and why start now. Also there is leaked audio from the two guys talking about competing the Nav card and from the bus driver. Also there is code that says there is the ability to place the Nav card correctly. Who really know but it's gunna be a while until they release the DLC so we might as well keep looking.

  5. Another thing I learnt today was that when I was walking about how in the final zombie map you finish the Ultimate Easter Egg. What I saw on another forum today was that in the Nuketown loading screen it shows a gun and someone says something about how this gun needs a lot of power. Maybe in the next two maps you make to Pylon/Sphire things and the last two you make this gun and then Maxis or Richtofen uses it. Just a thought, doesn't really change anything about my theory though.

  6. Hey All,

    After spending 4 hours last night watching all NGT Tranzit Easter Egg Vids and a few others I have come up with a theory that has been backed my multiple items, lets begin.

    Okay so ill explain how the left side works. This is what we already know is the Tower Of Babble Easter Egg. We know that we are given two sides to choose from, Richtofen or Maxis. We know how to complete both sides, this is great and all but I have a bit of a future theory. We know that when we complete one side the other side is basically erased and whenever we start a new game the it is set to which ever side we did last. Either side is equal in that it gives you the achievement either way. Now this is only a theory but I believe it is quite true. I am almost confident this is how future BO2 Zombies will pan out; the reason many Treyarch guys are posting about "Commitment" Is because they are watching these videos such as NGT's ones in which they keep doing each sides over and over again. Treyarch is telling them to stick to one side; to commit. I think that in the next DLC Zombie maps there will once again be two options, to help Richtofen or Maxis. This will be the case for every map. In order to complete the Ultimate Easter Egg when the last map is released you will have to have all the previous maps set to the same character, Richotfen or Maxis. For the first time ever they had an alternate ending in the campaign, why not in Zombies? Anyone with me here?

    Now for the right side of the Tranzit Easter Egg. The reason I have those 3 items listed on the very far right is because those are the things we have left that at this point have no meaning. What are these Nav Cards for? We built a table for them but we have the wrong ones. This is where everyone is stuck. I think there are 2 possible options here. A: We haven't figured out how to use the Nav Cards yet B: The future DLC will bring something to help us use them. Personally I'm with option A here. If future DLC is released I dont think that Treyarch will go back and add things to Tranzit. Therefor we still have some hunting to do. Another reason I think its A is because of some of the leaked/ripped audio from the game. Both Richtofen and Maxis say something about using the Nav Cards in a computer and the buss driver has a quote talking about how he has learnt a new route. These new routes could be outside the map although I know that guys have no-clipped the whole map and my argument against that is that they could not see into Pack-A-Punch with the no-clipping therefor there may be new routes. Another option is that these routes could very well be just shortcuts in the map. Also in the leaked/ripped audio files for the Bus Driver he says "Welcome To ____" quite a few times but there are ones he says that we have never heard before in the game. Lastly in a tweet made by Reza Elghazi someone asked him "is there more to the easteregg after the tower of babble achivement? perhaps a 2nd bus or in game reward?". Reza simply said "Yes". Is that not enough proof? Why would Reza lie? He could have simply ignored that guy but he decided to reply. So over all for this second part I do not now how it works but I strongly believe it exists. We have this Nav Card Table, these Nav Cards, these Tweets, and this leaked audio. Its out there Zombie fans, we just have to find it! :lol:

    Reza Elghazi Twitter: https://twitter.com/_rez_

    Jimmy Zielinski Twitter (Commitment Tweets): https://twitter.com/ZielinskiJimmy

    A video I got a bunch of info and ideas from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72VLVtRd ... re=mh_lolz

    Bus Driver Ripped/Leaked Audio: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yPvHL2PFM4

    Dr. Maxis Ripped/Leaked Audio: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee-qtG_mMdc

    Dr. Richtofen Ripped/Leaked Audio: http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation ... IVHpyzHtBw

    NGT Zombies Tranzit Easter Egg Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67qmM4hMVl4

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