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Posts posted by SgtKilla

  1. Seriously? This is a few things cut together.

    1) the flash of light is caused by breaking a turbine... More specifically, the infinite turbine glitch.

    2) the parts are both from the turret built at the farm...1 is the ammo box, the other is the gun itself.

    3) the gun part is shorter than the ammo box

    Here is what this is.

    1) take a video of a destroying turbine. 1 time in that spot in the bank, another under (or just behind) the player for 1st person POV.

    2) cutscenes of being swarmed by zombies with the gun in inventory.

    3) splice together, and insert the ammo box (slightly larger) over the gun. Video editing 101.

    Notice how short the clip is? That's because he went down right after is. Getting swarmed by zombies takes several seconds to go down... This is why I run with the zombie shield. Good reflexes and I can get it out and bash the swarm.

    Sophisticated troll still smells like a troll.

    He posted another video that is the unedited clip.

  2. I have actually had the bus stop on the bridge a few times. But 90% of the time it does coast all the way to the other side. It all depends on where you EMP the bus. One thing this thread made me think of is... There is a way to speed up the bus. What if we do that and then EMP the bus right before the bridge and make it coast across the bridge at a higher speed than normal?

    Great idea! The speed may damage it as well, this is a must try.

  3. Hey guys, this is my first post here and I've been analyzing posts and theories here for a long time and I came up with a theorie of my own ;)

    As all the people here may know when you are playing and you step on the bridge it starts collapsing. Just by a putting a little weight on it. The bus when it's passing it it changes its speed so it can cross without anything happening to it.

    With that said:

    Let's try to put some weight on the bridge so it can break and then, maybe, make the bus take another route. Maybe EMP the bus when it's just on top of the most fragile area of the bridge. Maybe, just maybe by all the weight just standing on it, it would break and then the bus will fall in the lava and then a new bus gets assign to green run and maybe that bus is the one with the other route.

    Those are my two main possible results of the theorie of breaking the bridge.

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