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Posts posted by chronicsarco

  1. i cant see it being a different reward because that would mean you have to complete both easter eggs in one game to get both rewards. my bet is both side will reward the same thing all 6 perks

  2. one of the best things about zombies is the community trying to find these easter eggs some teams have been doing it right, posting steps as they go so we can follow with them and try ideas as they try other ideas, we all help each other but when people have completed it and don't release how its done just annoys me. they of course deserve the credit, but personally i think its more about knowing yourself you found it first why do they need the praise and to get recognized by others to be the first. The team just don't seem like part of the community to me

  3. from what i could make it it sounded like he kept saying kill me over and over to me and it was near the mystery box until near the bottom of the elevator shaft u jump on all the rubble to get down. after i got to the red room with the poles n Buddhas in i couldn't hear the voice anymore

  4. i really do want to believe there is more to this easter egg since the past couple maps you get a reward for completing the easter egg. you got wunderwaffle and a perk in call of the dead. perks in shangrila and perks plus gamer pictures on moon. we've had no reward for this easter egg to me it does seem like there would be more so we get some sort of reward but i think if there was more it would of been found by now. im just going to wait until dlc comes out and if im wrong about more being added im wrong so be it.

    they've tried something new with this zombies already maybe they're going to try something new with the way they introduce dlc too. we wont know until it happens

    im looking forward to the dlc easter egg im already getting bored of tranzit

  5. with the tv in farm having audio of other groups trying to do maxis / Richthofens easter eggs i just think they might be trying it at other towers and we have to get 3 towers all lit up if its not added to tranzit it might be other maps we have to do it on. everything about black ops 2 zombies is new so no-one can know for sure if its likely or not anything is possible we just have to wait for dlc to fine out

  6. Ive been reading stuff on here for a while but this is my first post.

    I think the tranzit easter egg is over for now and the dlc will add more stops onto tranzit to make an even bigger map. I dont think they'd give us a bank and fridge system for us to just abandon it soon as first dlc comes out.

    They're many reasons i think the easter egg is over but i just watched this video in a post and i think its worth bringing attention to.

    At 1.47 he says

    "The spire is online if only the other sites can be likewise and powered then prehaps theres still a chance to complete that which was begun so many years ago"

    (not sure if it says likewise couldnt make it out clearly) which makes me think theres going to be a couple more spires we have to power up. Then the quote afterwards

    "nothing to see here for now maybe down the road we will revisit this place such a lovely place"

    which again just makes me think we have to power other spires and come back to this at a later date.

    jimmy zielinski said on twitter commitment is the key. i think that commitment is doing all the easter eggs in each dlc to then make a bigger easter egg over all.

    As for the navcard personally i think its not supposed to work yet until the dlc comes out maybe we use the navcard machine to tell the bus driver to go to the next area that just my theory

    SKIP TO 1.47


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