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Posts posted by xxxxxxlegitxxxgamer

  1. i was playing with my frineds and i think i have discovered the end of the easter egg (though iam sure there is more because this thing is complex

    well first of all after the easter egg is done you have to go to the laundermat door and shoot it with 4 pack a punched ray guns (you have to have four people by the way) and then you have to all thrown 4 grenades at it after that and then you have to shoot all of your mustang and sally grenades ammo (pack a punch mustand and sally) and you have to have exactly 4 crawlers

    after that maxis will say good job now turn off the power and you have to turn off the power even though this is the richtofen side (btw) then the laundermat door will open!

    then after the door is open you go inside and walk a little bit longer inside (there is like a tunnel thing in there that you cannot see!) and then you will have a street light and just like the most of the map there is a fog around the area so all of your friends have to get denzins on their heads and then make 4 telporters in the same spot and then all jump in one at the same time!

    then when you jump in it will teleport you to a metalic room (kind of like the moon area where the mp5k is and kind of like five also) and you will hear maxis saying (good job now you must hold out this area where i prepare the bombs) then you have to play a round and wait for maxis to prepare the bomb and then when the bomb is made he tells you have to go back outside and then play 5 more rounds until maxis says (ok the bomb is ready now travel to the diner and wait for futher instrctions)

    so you head to the diner and he then tells you (hahahaha thank you for helping me prepare this bomb! richtofen will never win ahahhahhaha)

    then you can see the moon apperar in the sky and missles heading towards it and before they blow up (they blow up by the way) richtofen says (why did you help him you fools now he is going to kill you all just like i said and i wont be able to help you!)

    so you watch the moon blow up and you get a 100g achivement (it was super hidden because treyarch asked them to) and there is no throphy for ps3 i would guess because activison loves xbox and for a good reason because it has better call of duty graphics!

    anyway i hoped this help :D

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