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Posts posted by HeadCount

  1. Hmm.. could be you're right because I've never been able to keep the headshot perk permanant. Good suggestion, thanks. I'm still curious as to why the characters talk about aliens all the time though.

  2. This spaceship sound is very faint, it happened a bunch of times when I ended the rounds. I ran a train in front of the gas station garage to be specific. when the round ends I was standing next to the car thats closest to the fog if you're going towards the farm. It happened every round. The charcters also make referneces to aliens when you're around that part of the map. At first I thought they were talking about the denizens but after hearing this I'm not so sure.

  3. I have a couple questions, I was wondering if anyone has answers to them or any input about them.

    Has anyone else heard alien spaceship noises when ending a round at the diner?

    Also I was playing solo last night (as Marleton) running trains at the farm and the green mist that happens when you've gotten multiple headshots kept appearing. The character usually says something when it happens (ie; Marleton will say "Strange,I've never heard that before")

    After the 5th or 6th time it happened Marelton said something like "It seems it's gotten brighter out" and the area I was running in brightened up. I was past round 30 when it happened, I'm just find it bizzare and wondered if anyone's had the same experience.

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