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Posts posted by XxBlOoDfAllsxX

  1. I'm not saying I support this guy but think about something logically here for a second.

    Treyarc releases the best Zombie experience ever. They watch half of the EE get done right away like usual, then the entire world gets stumped. They took preventative measures to hide it in a way it can't be no clipped or theater'd, decoded whatever. They smash their old record for the world solving the latest EE. Now the weeks are dragging on to a DLC in a month or however long. If you were them how would you give the community a little nudge? To get them going again enjoying the game instead of being frustrated and clueless.

    I personally would have someone doing exactly what Birddog is doing. Giving ideas to people of new things that they haven't seen tried before. Leading them to the area but not giving it away. I would also ensure to bind him legally to a contract to not specifically give away the steps. Be as vague as possible but get people trying things they haven't thought of.

    Anyway, on a lighter note this guy is bullshit.

    HAHA that's the best post i've read in the longest time! I'm ROTFL!!

  2. Guys, we can easily have him prove himself right now...If there is a train station that you can access without DLC, post a pic of your screen with your character actually standing at a train station. Because that wont be giving away anything (just like you said your restricted to do) and since you've already told us there's a train station you can access that means showing us a pic of it wont actually be anything more than where we're still at. So just show us a pic of you actually at a train station and if you do, then I will (and probably the others) apologize and then move on with the EE.

    P.S. We already know there's a train station between the power house and town, as soon as you leave the power station and head towards town. On the left as soon as you reach the train tracks, you can see the tall metal structures on the left side a little bit before the light on the hill. That is a train station because you can see it on youtube videos with the "No Fog" feature. So it's not like I dont know theres a train station, but you could obviously just be using the knowledge to troll us on here and say "told you theres a train station"....So that doesnt change anything, just show us a pic of your character actually AT THE TRAIN STATION and this will all be over. If you dont reply, then we know you completely BULLSH*TTED everyone on here and that's just wrong dude cause everyone's spending ALOT of hours on this and probably more now because of what you're saying...so just prove it

  3. because he's been caught and he'll keep saying he knows whats next, UNTIL someone actually finds out whats next and then he'll just say "I told you so" LOL...He just wants people to pay attention to him, plain and simple. He keeps telling us all of the clues are right in front of us, but its info we already know, seen and read. We know everything put in this game is for a reason, but it doesn't mean sh*t in the end because NOONE in the world has discovered the next step. WE KNOW ALL OF THIS INFO ALREADY! I wouldn't be on this forum if I havent exhausted all theory's and used every bit of info from researching everything on this game including looking at the PC coding. So if you want to "contribute" like everyone else is doing, you'll give us something other than "Element Copernicium", "Have you found the Nacht Nav Card, and "Sedan"? Otherwise, stop trolling and saying you want to help us, because you're clearly NOT!

    P.S. You said in your post reply "you've completed the other nav card stations and havent found the train station"...LOL...sorry if I dont laugh at that one, considering the fact that once you build the nav table under the pylon, you CANT demolish it and rebuild it anywhere else, it stays. And their's DEFINATELY not a single other piece on the map to build any other nav card stations even if there was a station spot to actually build one in, so wtf does that even mean? Theres not a single other piece to pick up....again, unless you're going to give us something, stay off this site

  4. listen im not trying to start anything, im simply saying that EVERYONE who plays zombies, works together as a community and always has been since the beginning but bulldogdan obviously only cares for himself and his team. He acts like he wants to keep all the credit for himself and be the one who finds everything first so he can look like the "man"! But its ridiculous, you can atleast tell us something besides all of this cryptic nonsense because EVERYONE, not just you, has been busting their balls day and night trying to figure stuff out so they deserve some info once and while. You dont see NGT hiding all of their findings or their theory's. They post what they find and ask for help because this is a COMMUNITY involved and everyone's helping everyone. So just tell us something...otherwise i say screw it and let him be selfish

  5. For example, theres 2 wires at bus depot. 1) by the door which requires a turbine (which goes with what his theory is) and then 2) by the outside fence where zombies come through that you board up inbetween 2 car garage and building....and the 2nd one is why i believe they're just effects in the game, because that wire is hanging around nothing but a boarded up window. BUT again, like i said, you never know....its always worth a shot just to try

  6. funniest thing is, a couple of hours ago Bullsh*t Dan posted a thread asking about "anyone know where the other nav cards are at, we're looking"...if you we're at a whole other part of the map, where NOONE else has gotten to (supposedly the train station), i dont think you'd be asking that question because everyone has searched this map countless times and we all know theres only 1 nav card ever found. So yeah, im gonna have to agree with the rest and call BS on your claim. How could you possibly be on the next step of the EE when you're still looking for other nav cards? lol...its obvious they give you 1 nav card and if you cant use it under tower, you either have to program it to work under the tower or use it somewhere else. Why would they give you a nav card, just to replace that card with another one? Your claim is ridiculous...

  7. If you really think about it, I honestly believe thats the reason why the doors need power, because the power lines are broke. Hence the need for "a source of power" to open them. SO i dont think those power lines have anything to do with the EE but again, its 3arc so you never know.

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