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Posts posted by RPK_Jae

  1. Welcome to CoDz. Land of the Undead Slayers and Theorists. Enjoy your stay.

    Hey, thanks a lot! I'mma be poking my two-cents here and there around the site a lot more often now, seeing as how I've been lurking here for a little while before actually registering. Can't wait to put up all my CoD: WaW, & Black Ops 1 Zombie stats.

  2. What's goin' on everybody? I'm Jae. It's pretty ironic how I ended up stumbling upon this forum. I was cleaning my room, picked up my X-Box while my Black Ops 2 was still spinning around and laser-burned my CD. ;/ Awaiting this Wednesday when I get my paycheck and buy another copy I had a bunch of free time to browse the internet for cool, new zombie theories, and easter eggs. To make a long-story short, I'm looking for new people to team-up with, and really explore this TranZit map. I haven't gotten the chance to complete either side of the Richtofen/Maxis Easter Eggs yet because of the type of people I've been getting paired with online. I'm used to kind-of just camping in the PaP room and upgrading the pistol from the bus, and the MP5 from the Diner. Usually I'd hit the box around round 15, assuming I'd have the Galva-Knuckles at a much earlier round. I prefer playing with gamers who also have mics like myself, and also have the same understanding of the game as far as Easter Egg achievements, and tactical plans go throughout the game. So until tomorrow when I cash my paycheck I'll be online at about 3PM eastern time I'd assume trying to accomplish one of the two sides of the Easter Egg. Please feel free to send Friend Request to me @ RayGun860CT. Please include a voice message along with the request so I know you're coming from this site and aren't some random from X-Box. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and make the zombie killing continue! RESUME CARNAGE! :twisted:

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