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Posts posted by werqhorse

  1. Yes I first discovered this ability on "Moon" reviving someone who was outside(Mulekick Area) from inside the Biodome, which means that certain barriers can be penetratded with the projectile knife. I will try to get a clip onto my Elite account for you guys. But try it out for yourselves

  2. Wait a sec. I think with the Ballistic you have to calculate the earth gravity? Therefore it should not be that easy to revive from Diner to Town. Wouldn't you have to shoot somewhere in the sky for that?

    You sir are correct. But, Notice when using the Krauss hitting the player directly is not always needed. For a long distance revive I always aim high in the general direction of the players "revive" arrow. It takes some practice.

    And to OP, I too confirmed blue crosshairs for party players. Not sure why they would do this though, Seems like it just adds a little more confusion.

  3. Technically, you should only get the blue cross hairs when wielding the "Krauss Refibulator" (upgraded Ballistic knife) There was a loading screen "hint" in BO1 that went something like this "Red cross hairs mean enemy, Green cross hairs mean friendly so what are blue cross hairs?" If a teammate goes down, no matter what the distance between you is when you get the blue cross hair, shoot your upgraded ballistic knife and the other player will be revived. yes this works on Tranzit too. I have revived someone in town from bus depot. Also a Secret acheivment in B01. "See me, Stab me, Heal me."

  4. Hate to get of topic here But, while we have this great image of the green run loading screen thanks to OP. I would like to turn your attention to two things in this image. firstly, The bus on the left is red. Why? It is the same on the "thumbnail" when you are in a (greenrun) lobby. Secondly I don't know why this has never been pointed out but there is two buses depicted in the image, not once but twice! One is obviously the poster on the left hand side. The other is actually very well hidden. On the other side of the "median" on the right hand side there is clearly a bus, a blue bus like the one we are used to riding. Just thinking out loud.

    Edit: looking over the Town loading screen it looks to me like the teddy bear is holding the postcard. once again great image OP!

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