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Posts posted by Tantulum_JD

  1. Okay couple of ideas here you guys that have done the easter egg(s) may want to mess about with:

    1. Why not try shooting the locations the beam lands on/Goes through with Ray Gun/ EMP grenades(Okay throwing on in that case)/ Jet Gun (New wonder weapons normally play a part.).

    2. Also, can someone who's done Maxis and Richtofen's side please confirm that they can see the red light still after completion of both ee's?

    3. Also worth mentioning that when Richtofen's side has finished he thanks you for your help. However, Maxis says nothing, implying there could be more to it?

    4. Finally, why not try doing both sides of the ee and if it the light is still there (as mentioned above) then try and see if it makes any visual difference/ any visual difference can be made to it.

    I do agree that this light is pribably telling players to do something, but for reason number 3 above I think it can only be done on Maxis's side of the ee. Thanks for reading and let us know if you can answer any of the four questions above!

    1. Haven't tried it, I'll give it a shot.

    2. Once you complete Richtofen's, after having completed Maxis', the beams turn blue.

    3. Maybe, as I remember after completing Maxis' side, his transmission is cut short, and it kind of ends abruptly. Not sure, however it's still a good point.

    4. You can't really do both sides of the ee in one game, unless you made a whole new profile. NGTZombies Spiderbite covers this throughout his TranZit easter egg guide series.

  2. Also...

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjtnR9lp ... vA&index=2

    Can we please forget the whole Jet Gun the clock theory now? I can personally say I agree with Spider - I made it to round 49 solo, at that point nothing is really effective. The Jet Gun is still an instant kill, and trust me, you see that little electrical cloud all the time when you actually use it. I have a Pic of me getting to 49, and here's a and HDPVR recording of the electrical stuff.

  3. Imjayisthatok - we didn't use the electric fence or the turret yet in the easter egg - what makes you think we have to use every buildable? If I'm wrong, please cite a youtube video of them actually using it in the easter egg. We've only used 2/5 buildables (turbine and Jet Gun).

    Also, The shield is made of glass, metal door, and a wheely dock. The door isn't particularly shiny, glass refracts light, and you can't get the wheely dock to easily face the lights, unless you set it down. Treyarch really does know their stuff, and they implement it accurately and well - aside from the entire zombie concept, time travel, and teleportation.

  4. AplhaOmega - "Thanks for testing out the theory (whether you meant to or not ) I dunno if you saw my post. Perhaps try with a friend and see if you can aim that beam at your friend when he stands at the bank"

    I did see your post, and I thought that way to easy - just hit someone with the beam. I'll do it, but two things 1) don't expect anything and 2) you can't really "aim" the beam - the beam randomizes itself, with little pattern as far as I can tell.

  5. Edit - just got the sparkles. The only thing I've noticed with the upgraded sparkled RPD is that now the blue light seems to fade to purple much faster. Other than that, nothing. Also I've gotten Him/Avagadro/Electrical ghost man to spawn in town, and I'm staring at the handle. Again, nothing out of the ordinary.

  6. I've completed Richtofen's side, and I took a spin on the box, I got the blue sparkles, got the RPD. I went and stood at the Laundromat, nothing out of the ordinary - the light beams behaved as they normally have been documented. I upgraded the RPD and it seems that the lights have completely disappeared - I've stood, staring ADS (not firing - some post previous has said you don't need to, and unupgraded RPD w/o firing got the lights to sparkle) for a good 30 seconds and no blue lights appeared.

    I have a full bank, round 3, and I'm top 200 in the world for zombies solo TranZit. Any ideas, I can test in solo?

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