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Posts posted by ZombieKilla97

  1. I like to explore new maps first. And if I run into the EE along the way then it's a bonus. I've done every single easter egg in zombies though so eventually I will do it of course.

    This is pretty much what I do in a nutshell. I also do my first playthrough on solo though because my friends aren't as into the actual story like me.

  2. What i am hoping for in some DLC, most likely not the next one, is when trying to communicate with either Maxis or Richtofen, the transmission is intercepted by our O4 on moon.

    Just think about it...

    Dempsey: "Holy shitballs! This piece of crap actually works!

    Nikolai: Hello?! We are Stuck on the moon! And even worse...NO VODKA

  3. I believe that Die Rise was supposed to be the original map for COD:BO2. Treyarch realized that Tranzit would be too hard for DLC and cause people to lose interest. They rushed to finish tranzit for release and couldn't complete it, hence why we have half an Easter egg, multiple audio glitches and plenty or errors.

    Original Zombie poster was Misty holding a head in front of high rise buildings.

    Don't get me wrong, I like Green Run, but it was rushed. I am excited for Die Rise.

    So yes, its not a prequel, its the original first map IMO.



    Hmm, that's interesting, now that I think about it, this may most likely be the case.

  4. I just had an epiphany. Ok those sparkles that Surround objects like the light in town, mean that there is something in the area that needs to be done, especially since at The end of the video, he zooms in on the pylon, and Those mysterious lights are surrounding a section of the pylon. Thats what i Think though, it seems plausible if you Think about it.

  5. This is true really, on ascension you throw a gersch out of The map. COTD u have to hit the generators with explosives. Shang is the trap you destroy. And moon there is the gersch thing again. Maybe we are missing something that may be at a road block while you travel around tranZit. :o

  6. This worked for me as well except i have done Richtofen's side and I had me and a friend shoot the handles of the laundry matt at the same time, and the first time, a purple light came out of his door. The next time we did this, a few rounds later, the light came out of my door. I was positioned at the door closer to the bar, and my friend was next to the mystery box.

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