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Posts posted by FatefulNight

  1. Tranzit= Classic Survival/EE/Story mode

    Survival= Challenging throwback maps like NDU or Verruckt

    Grief= A nice distraction like DOA or ZORK.

    What's the problem? Start treating tranzit like a classic survial map and watch how much better you enjoy it. Tranzit is the "Classic Survial" map regardless of what's called survival on the menu.

    Also I'm guessing any future "Tranzit" modes would not feature a bus but some other form of transportation.


    So much agreement. In Black Ops 1 we got Kino, Five, and DOA to start off (and the 4 classic maps for some people I guess). Honestly, we've gotten a ton more in this release of zombies.

    However, I do hope DLCs bring us more variety than the barren fiery foggy wasteland environment. The whole fire mechanic gets so old and tiresome.

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