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Posts posted by abakedpotato

  1. I just found this out on my own, not sure if anyone else has found it, or if it is significant or not. i was in theater mode and glitched the camera out of the map near the farm, after going for a while I found a container that said some things in russian:

    http://www.flickr.com/photos/72705438@N ... hotostream


    http://www.flickr.com/photos/72705438@N ... hotostream

    translated, the first sign says "infected" or "contaminated" and the second one says

    "Control-Dosimetric point Dityatki" (Dosimetric has to do with radiation) after some googling I found that Dityatki is a military check point leading to Chernobyl

    the site http://photo.unian.net/eng/detail/197312.html says " FILE "Dityatki" control-dosimetric point at entrance into 30 km alienation zone, in Dityatki village (the Kyiv Oblast) on Friday, March 27, 2009. On April 26, 2009 there will 23 years from the day of accident in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. The most scaled anthropogenic catastrophe – an accident in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant took place on April 26, 1986. The reactor in the 4th energy unit of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant was completely destroyed as a result of string of heat explosions at 1:23 am. Much radioactive elements got into atmosphere. This accident is considered to be as the biggest one during the whole history of nuclear energy both by supposed number of perished people and economic damage. 116 thousand people were evacuated from the injured regions after the accident in the Chernobyl NPP. More 230 thousands people were resettled from the polluted zone"

    so the farm is a small village named Dityatki effected by the Chernobyl disaster, i find this strange because this kind of says that these zombies are because of radiation due to Chernobyl and not element 115, also, on the globe that shows the maps, nuke town shows up right next to it, but nuke town is supposedly in Nevada U.S.A.

    thats all i have right now. thanks!

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