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Posts posted by SmashFan1337

  1. I was thinking that as well. But people also said FEAR SAM with Sam being Shangri la Ascension and Moon but I thought that was just coincidence.

    It IS FEAR SAM, but SAM is spelled with he 1st letter of every 3rd(story-wise)map

    Shi-No-Numa 1

    Ascension 4

    Moon 7

  2. I think that the maps should go back and forth in time(like the main campaign) to further explore the Zombies storyline and backstory,and PLEASE bring back Nikolai,Takeo, and Dempsey! Also, maybe a new perk. I call it "Credit Card"! It'll let you 'get in debt', so to say. Example? If you want to buy Jugger-nog and only have 2000 points you can still buy it, but you'll have 500 Negative Points. And this 'debt' can be payed off by regularly earning points.But, it'll cost A LOT of points.Maybe 5000, or 6000?

    Tell me what you guys think!I'd love some feedback!

  3. I think that the maps should go back and forth in time(like the main campaign) to further explore the Zombies storyline and backstory,and PLEASE bring back Nikolai,Takeo, and Dempsey! Also, maybe a new perk. I call it "Credit Card"! It'll let you 'get in debt', so to say. Example? If you want to buy Jugger-nog and only have 2000 points you can still buy it, but you'll have 500 Negative Points. And this 'debt' can be payed of by regularly earning points.But, it'll cost A LOT of points.Maybe 5000, or 6000?

    Tell me what you guys think!I'd love some feedback!

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