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Posts posted by Hectic

  1. http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/1561 ... 7edbd8.png]

    Edit: I seem to be having some issues with the code for spoilers, It is not quite what I am used to, if anyone would be kind enough to explain to me how they work. :P I would be very grateful. :)

    You have to use both "open" and "close" tags. I see you want an image too, so that'll look like this:

    Hi I'm Hectic, I'm new here and I just joined today. I have been around this forum for a while but have never had the time to make an account that I would be active with. I'm a Diehard zombie player and my favourite character is Richtofen ( Quite common I know ) I hope to be quite active.


    Hi I'm Hectic, I'm new here and I just joined today. I have been around this forum for a while but have never had the time to make an account that I would be active with. I'm a Diehard zombie player and my favourite character is Richtofen ( Quite common I know ) I hope to be quite active. [img=http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/1561/d6bfa25ce69b27a5b7edbd8.png][/spoiler]

    This topic written by Shooter explains all the codes included in CoDZ, read it.


    Thanks! :)

  2. Well as we know Nuketown 24/7 has been confirmed and I have a few ideas for what it may involve. :) First off The Bomb shelter in the backyard of the Green house is plausible for expansion as Nuketown is such a small map and there would not be much room to move around in. My idea is that the shelter expands underground where tests are conducted on animals and humans to see the reaction to radiation and or element 115. The map itself in my eyes holds limited spaces for the placement of perks, the mystery box, The Pack a Punch etc. But I were to guess I would think that the underground area would hold the brunt of these features while the surface would feature quick revive and doubletap. Quick revive housed in the yellow shed behind the yellow house. I would not be surprised either if there was a secret entrance to the hypothetical test labs in the yellow house as well. Juggernog and Speed Cola would be housed beneath the surface and maybe if there are new perks then they will also be on the map somewhere. :) Onto the topic of camping spots, The rails on the front of both the houses would be accessible but the zombies would be capable of the "superjump" that we have seen previously in zombies from the maps ascension and onwards. I do have other ideas but I will save them until the reveal trailer (If we get one ;))

    [spoiler=Hi I'm Hectic, I'm new here and I just joined today. I have been around this forum for a while but have never had the time to make an account that I would be active with. I'm a Diehard zombie player and my favourite character is Richtofen ( Quite common I know

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