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Posts posted by TheXithylFiles

  1. SO I've been doing a lot of thinking and after a lot of hard thinking, I have come up with a possible easter egg on Nuketown Zombies.

    So first of all I'd like to show you all a picture of the Nuketown that we know and love (or hate).

    You see those generators right there people? and the nuke on the mast?

    I believe those generators could be our power room! and I believe that the power plays an important role in the easter egg as, you have to eventually start a countdown!

    Much like launching the rocket in Ascension, you would have to do a series of challenges such as shooting mannequins heads off etc. then eventually you would start a countdown which would release the nuke from that mast and into something that has been built underneath, THE MDT! THE TELEPORTER! That way the crew can blow up the moon base, Der Riese, wherever they want!

    OR, The nuke could have allready blown up after the missiles impacted with earth and making Nuketown, a desolate wasteland, however I find it unlikely as if a nuke did go off a couple meters next to a house, there wouldn't be much left of the house :P

    ANyway, please tell me what you think of my theory. Thank You!

  2. So, I found a thread earlier, and it was about the map layout of Nuketown, nobody had made on so I decided to make on myself. It's pretty shitty and I made it in MS paint in 10 minutes, but who cares? :P anyway, without further ado, here is what I think Nuketown will be like, compared to what it looks like now.

    Normal Nuketown:

    Take note of the bomb mast and the generators around the side.

    My OTT Map:


    Question Marks - Box Spawns

    PAP - Pack a punch

    Lightning bolt - Power Room

    Red blob - Juggernog

    Light Green blob - Speed Cola

    Dark blue blob - Quick Revive

    Purple blob - PhD Flopper

    Pink blob - Deadshot Daiquiri

    Orange blob - Double Tap

    Dark Green Blob - Mule Kick

    Yellow blob - Stamin up

    Light Blue areas - Easter Eggs

    Dark Blue lines - Doors

    Please tell me what you guys think, thanks :)

  3. Hey guys, I have been browsing these forums since they pretty much started, but haven't really posted anything until now, and I know everyone is so hyped about Nuketown Zombies, but what if your all too hyped that you start to miss stuff? A lot of stuff has been happening recently that isn't a coincidence. The tweet from jimmy Zielinski, The bloody hand print picture released on Saturday, now the Nuketown zombies map. It all ties together. However one of the main things I wanna discuss is, how does the story tie in to Nuketown?

    Well, quite simply, it doesn't. The only thing that COULD fit would be the whole story around the 'Manhattan project' but I can't see Nuketown zombies as being the MAIN story zombie map, perhaps something on the side and an added extra (like FIVE) and I hope nobody is forgetting the little bits of developer gameplay from E3! There was a diner which I can't remember seeing in Nuketown, I guess a Diner could play a role in a Nuketown map, but I doubt it.

    So onto the main topic I wanted to discuss, there's a little symbol in the bottom corner of the picture for Nuketown Zombies.

    Here's the normal picture:

    Here's the symbol close up:

    But anyway guys, please post your thoughts.


    I know that the symbol is on the actual billboard, but it looks different on this one.

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