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Posts posted by Montage

  1. Niik (strwrsbob) said that tryarch confirmed this as a mistake.


    But how can you make a mistake this big? If you do make this mistake why was it never removed?

    Also here is another picture that looks as if you are looking at another galaxy.


    Real galaxy picture.


    None of these things were here before we blew up "earth" was area 51 moved? Was it ever on earth in the first place? It must of have been moved because you cannot see these things before the rockets hit. But how would this large area be untouched? How can everything stay in exact same place and be breathable if it was in fact moved? If the earth view from area 51 was a mistake then maybe the rockets moved the earth closer to see this Galaxy picture. Which would not make any sense because when on moon you cannot see the earth moving.

    Also why was area 51 not the same when you go there as the rockets hit?


    As you can see ( this picture was taken after the rockets hit the earth while on area 51 ) there's no galaxy. No orange sky look. and to what I know. No earth view. Was this all a major mistake by treyarch? Or is there much more that we don't know?

  2. Niik (strwrsbob) said that tryarch confirmed this as a mistake.

    But how can you make a mistake this big? If you do make this mistake why was it never removed?

    Also here is another picture that looks as if you are looking at another galaxy.

    Real galaxy picture.

    None of these things were here before we blew up "earth" was area 51 moved? Was it ever on earth in the first place? It must of have been moved because you cannot see these things before the rockets hit. But how would this large area be untouched? How can everything stay in exact same place and be breathable if it was in fact moved? If the earth view from area 51 was a mistake then maybe the rockets moved the earth closer to see this Galaxy picture. Which would not make any sense because when on moon you cannot see the earth moving.

    Also why was area 51 not the same when you go there as the rockets hit?

    As you can see ( this picture was taken after the rockets hit the earth while on area 51 ) there's no galaxy. No orange sky look. and to what I know. No earth view. Was this all a major mistake by treyarch? Or is there much more that we don't know?

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