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Posts posted by anon

  1. That could well be it.

    It doesn't necessarily have to be, essentially, some cryptic type of warning against the ongoing movements of the Global Elite / the Illuminati / the New World Order - whatever you want to call them, by inspiring youth and adults with a new interest in research, conspiracies, and hidden truths.

    It could we be for far less sinister reasons, of course.

    The reason I believe all this is because I have this forum and Treyarch to thank, for sparking my knowledge and interest into now having research near enough every aspect of every conspiracy theory out there. I've learned a lot from this meer gaming community, enough to change my view on life.

  2. Sorry, clearly there is a story, yes. But don't you think it's very patched together, as result of demand?

    Near enough every aspect of the storyline has several different ways of percieving it. I bet there are 100's of different storylines put together, by this forum. And that each member, on this forum, sees the Zombies storyline in their own unique envisionment.

    All theories are plausible, all believable, all evidenced, all discussed, agreed, and disagreed on. Why do Treyarch cause this?

    Zombies has constantly been in demand, by fans of it's lore, for a straight answer.

    Yet they fail to deliver. Purposely?

    I've seen more ridiculous theories on this forum.

  3. Why are Treyarch so cryptic with their Zombies storyline?

    They make us think and look for thing that are not there. They require these online communities, to delve into their hidden, meaningless clues - that never really answer the question, only provoke more questions and delving. But then, there is a storyline. Primarily just references made- or stories/characters revolving around -various popular conspiracy theories. They have caused an entire community to research these theories. Enlightenment.

    That's why, I believe, the Zombies storyline is not clear. Because, there is no storyline. Only a method of inspiring englightenment and personal-research into the hidden truths of this world.

    Learn your lesson, people. After two installments of Zombies - what, 7-8 maps? - there is still nothing. And don't get your hopes up for much more after BO-2.

    The storyline had a strong start. It could, have led somewhere. Yet, it has not. We currently have a weak, patched-together plotline. The result of no care for a meaningless storyline, being just a small part or their multi-million franchise - only it's message, it's fans and players, and it's inspiration.

    Stop being as blind as the rest of this ignorant world!

    Ask yourselves this, people:-

    What if this forum put it's time and effort into the conspiracies of what may or may not be the true storyline of the world today?

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