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Posts posted by RaygunxZomb

  1. Hey guys i need your help with something. I'm sure all of you know about the tunnel 11 strategy on moon. What some of you might not know is if you stand in the small room next to the semtex grenades the zombies with only spawn in the small room and the stamin-up room. with the normal tunnel 11 strat, you would normally kill them out by the semtex grenades, but if you killed them inside the small room they would not spawn inside the pm-63 room. By zombies not spawning in that room, there would be 2 less spawns which also mean they would only spawn in 4 places (2 Ceiling spawns, 2 windows) but there is a problem with the tunnel 11 strategy. You cannot do the easter egg and trap the astro. When doing the easter egg, it requires you to open all of the tunnel 11 and 6 doors besides the m16 door. I want to do a high round game (70+)in tunnel 11 100% legit (No glitching astro) Do you guys have any suggestions on how i should play this game? also, i am not running bio dome or spawn.

  2. Hey guys i need your help with something. I'm sure all of you know about the tunnel 11 strategy on moon. What some of you might not know is if you stand in the small room next to the semtex grenades the zombies with only spawn in the small room and the stamin-up room. with the normal tunnel 11 strat, you would normally kill them out by the semtex grenades, but if you killed them inside the small room they would not spawn inside the pm-63 room. By zombies not spawning in that room, there would be 2 less spawns which also mean they would only spawn in 4 places (2 Ceiling spawns, 2 windows) but there is a problem with the tunnel 11 strategy. You cannot do the easter egg and trap the astro. When doing the easter egg, it requires you to open all of the tunnel 11 and 6 doors besides the m16 door. I want to do a high round game (70+)in tunnel 11 100% legit (No glitching astro) Do you guys have any suggestions on how i should play this game? also, i am not running bio dome or spawn.

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