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Posts posted by JuggerWicho

  1. Well, done. It looks like this guys were telling the truth.


    What to do:

    Doing the Outbreak EE, during the collection of the IDs Zombies drop, make sure every one you pick comes from a melee kill. That's it.

    Make sure you don't go down or take one ID from the floor.

    A good way to see if you're doing well, is to check the color of the number of IDs in the HUD. The original color is white, if you go down or pick an ID from the floor, it turns grey.

    Start a match and kill yourself with Medic so you can see the diference.

    Good luck.



  2. Agreed, @AlphaOmega

    Just tried this, twice. The first time, I literally just exo-punched. For two rounds. But in some cases, green zombies explode and kill the ones around them. I wasn't sure if I picked one of the floor, so I tried again.

    The second time I was a lot more careful, but even so, no trophie.

    I don't think the way to unlock it has to do with actually trying to do something, maybe it's something more "natural". If this guy already had it when Descent came out, I really doubt he made the ID step with just melee attacks.

  3. @Stop mocking me0: The combination is as follows: Slide > Jump > Exo-Jump > Forward Boost. The slide is crucial, as it has to be timed perfectly. Just step at the back of the first platform, run a little bit and immediatly boost. You have to jump the first time BEFORE getting out of the platform, otherwise your first jump will be an Exo-Jump. It's not that hard, just master that slide - jump combo.

    @bproc2: A shotgun and a Assault Rifle will do. Use whatever shotgun you get to kill Oz asap. You'll use the AR for the turrets, the top and bottom ones. Kill all the Zombies with contact or tp grenades if you're in trouble. Be sure to know where did a Turret spawn, because it can easily kill you. You better focus on the hazards rather than Oz itself. Once everything is clear, ko Oz.

    Good luck to both. (:

  4. I know what you mean. But he just spoke with the Woods, you know. I would say it's normal to be hyped of to feel "superior" in some way. It's not correct, though.

    Anyway, for those who don't want or can't watch the full interview, here are the key points:

    Burns said:

    -He can't confirm, nor deny, his appearance on BO3.

    -Treyarch cares a lot about fans. Spends a lot of time thinking and developing what we want.

    -Everything they make has a reason, an explanation. They think about EVERYTHING.

    -Wood's 115 tattoo has a reason, but he won't say it. The wolf is important too.

    The gameplay:

    BO 1 Clips:

    -The last campaign mission (I think). 

    -Everything's about "the numbers". What Mason sees, how the code was implanted, how Reznov sabotaged it, etc...

    BO 2 Clips:

    -David's (Mason's son) past, when he was involved with Menendez as a child.

    -Woods explaining Cordis Die, clarifying that Menendez is a bad guy.

    -Capturing Menendez, and how he broke free.

    -Killing Menendez.


  5. Well, the quotes had been an important part for the BO saga since the first game.

    I think they showed us the main quotes from the past games so we related the last one, which is presumably for BO3, with this game.

    They usually describe what's the campaign about: Numbers, technology and now, a somewhat dark future. Like a merge between both past games.

    They told us since BO2: "The future is black".

    Welcome to the forum, btw. :D

  6. Activate? Wat.


    If we are talking about the Mascot, it looks like he's part of the drive-thru of BurgerTown.


    If that's the case, maybe we have to activate it to speak with... someone?


    I'm really hyped.


    This is obviously the events leading up to what we will be playing in.


    Maybe this guy will serve as someone we rescue? or part of the EE?  He's a burgertown employee, and that's his picture in the first tweet.  They wouldn't create a character model unless it was intended for use.  Actually, this may be part of the introduction.


    Curious to see what comes of this.  Trailer Tuesday perhaps, or maybe even Trailer Monday night.


    zombies trailer on sunday during champs 



    Trailer or preview?

    They usually show all the maps some days before launch.

    Tuesday is trailer-day, and if today they're teasing, the video should be up tomorrow.



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