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Posts posted by xXSummerDeathXx

  1. I am Dr Edward Richtofen. I was formerly a Major General but I was transferred to weapons factory in Breslau, Germany nicknamed Der Riese. It's actual name was Waffenfabrik Der Riese. Here I joined a Group of scientists named Group 935. Our motto was " To improve the human condition". Here, I was also involved with many projects such as the Wunderwaffe project and the biggest project that the group had. Use a unknown element called Ununpentium nicknamed Element 115. When experimenting with this element, we found that one of its side effects was the ability to reincarnate the dead. This element had so much power that with it we created the Die Glocke prototypes which made the working teleporters that we all love so much. After a few years of working with this group I began to have doubts whether my superior Dr. Ludvig Maxis would mass produce my weapon. Ze Wunderwaffe DG-2! Apparently Dr. Maxis decided not to mass produce ze DG-2 so I decided to trick him and his little girl Samantha. When one of the experiments went "wrong", I saw my opportunity to dispose of them. I trapped them with ze creature that appeared and turned on one of the telporters. After that I saw that the little girl escaped and went in ze MDT. It's a matter transference device. With this, she managed to get control of ze undead army that Group 935 had created and began to kill everyone with them. This is how I ended up killing ze disgusting beasts. I'm stuck with one American, one Japanese warrior, and one drunk Russian. But I digress.

    Signed, the ultimate Richtofen Fan

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