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Posts posted by EARisMyFather

  1. This honestly blows my mind. They build this awesome story in WaW & BlkOps1, and completely throw a curve with BlkOps2. Im speechless are they going to keep playing on this storyline for the next game or throw us something completely different in the next game? I see how this can be a metaphor, but im so confused with what is going on. The comics make sense now this must be where the two got there ideas for maps etc... But what is going on in the background I dontknow my brain is scrambled right now

  2. I recommend giving MurderMachineX's "A Zombie Trilogy" a read. Although it isn't confirmed to be 100%, it's still the best story compendium on the internet for CoD Zombies. viewtopic.php?t=18279

    Also, I'm going to move this thread to Questions/Suggestions in ten minutes.

    Thank you very much. And sorry I thought I clicked on general zombies but I guess I didnt.

  3. I have been on this site for awhile now and recently I have become more interested in the on going story line of the nazi zombies. So my question from you guys is maybe you can point myself and maybe some newer members into some good forums and links that can help newbies to the story get a better understanding. I would have figured someone would have collected all the information and made one big "handout" of the story so people could get a solid understanding. I know that things are changing all the time with each map but getting a solid base on what is going on would help people understand and enjoy zombies even more.


  4. Here is just my two cents, what if the easter egg in origins is to defeat the giant so that the german army can use parts of this mysterious robot to help build the facility. Now how the robot got there some of the smarter comrades on this site will have to explain that. After the german army sees the power that this robot has they want to harness that power and use it for world domination. Just a theory I hardly post on this site I just love reading some of the ideas guys come up with.

  5. I have a question also but for the richtofen side. When you do all his EE do you get the button and if you do that do you always have all perks on every map? Sorry for the stupid question but I couldnt find a answer anywhere

  6. I usually get the Limited or prestige editions of the games for the cool collectibles.

    Do you think Treyarch would do a Limited Edition box set zombie themed.

    What would you want from it? Little action Figures of the 4. Or maybe wonder weapons.

    Thoughts and hopes

    I want full storyline art book with details.

    I would personally want the story line and art book also. Maps from past games should carry over i have always said that when it comes to map packs, i don't mind paying for new maps but ones i have already bought are already paid for so give me them lol.

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