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Ancient god

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Posts posted by Ancient god

  1. We all loved old good hellhounds from kino , der riese and shi no numa. So why not bring them back in black ops 2 with buff.Black hellhounds so they teleport around and only way to kill them is to use explosion ,ray gun and maybe paped guns.another weapons wont work because they will doge that.Every time they hit you ,you lose perk or a clip of ammo they only apear like normal hellhounds but only 2-3 hounds per round solo.Then you killed them all you will get perk bottle and max ammo.

    for first 3 boss rounds there would be normal hellhounds.

    Backstory to them so then richtofen created first hellhound ,nazies thought that it would be good idea to create hellhounds and they turned war dogs into hellhounds.they use vr11 to calm them down and place in cages powered 115 and so when power went out and hell broke loose they escaped.

    Video of my talking about this and showing black hellhound picture.


  2. [center:2adksblt]Nacht der Untoten challenges[/center:2adksblt]


    1.All doors opened.(video example coming soon)

    2.No doors opened.(video example coming soon)

    3.Hardcore challenge. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cad57xxY ... re=relmfug.

    So for this challenge you must kill near kar98 then you run out Thunder gun of ammo you must try drop them by using up ray gun then lmg.Only then you can respin.

    4.15 Rnd's that's easy?. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mA4tMDP7fCQ&feature=plcp

    rules in desription.

    2 players:

    No doors opened. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14opNJWV ... ure=relmfu

    Holding it with Mule Kick (video example coming soon)

    Stay in granade room ,stairs closed to starting room,weapons any.

    3 players:

    1.No doors opened.(video example coming soon)

    2.Granade corner classic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAxOi_5cnWc

    3.Box room 1 weapon must be thompson another weapon does not matter.(video example coming soon)

    4.Bar challenge (in progress)

    4 players:

    1.Box room 1 weapon must be thompson another weapon does not matter.((video example coming soon)

    2.No doors opened.(video example coming soon)

    3.Granade corner classic.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAxOi_5cnWc

    4.Bar challenge (in progress)


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