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Posts posted by Greenwood2112

  1. I appreciate all replies, though saying you disagree without saying why is kind of pointless.

    Moving on, saying that changing what makes zombies zombies is bad, is only half-true. Just because something exists doesn't mean that it should remain that way, especially if a better alternative exists.

    It's like the argument about whether games were better back in the old days, where you had to memorize a level and the enemy patterns just to be able to beat it.

    Bad game mechanics shouldn't continue just because they've always been that way. Games evolve and get better, much the same way that athletes evolve.

    To say that trading challenge for accessibility is bad is ridiculous. Not everyone has the desire or the time to spent hours and hours playing this game. In fact, the vast majority of people are in the same boat. If you're not in this category, that's great for you. However, the real world can be a pain in the behind. Include difficulty levels if need be, or include this as an easier mode, that's fine.

    Having said all this, I do appreciate any and all feedback. I can only hope that Treyarch has spent 5% of the time we all have on this.

  2. I've seen a lot of good ideas on these forums and elsewhere. I have several ideas myself but first I would like to throw out 3 small ideas that could be implemented into existing Zombies maps that would make the game better in my opinion.

    1. The ability to give other players points. This could be done in 500 point increments. When you press the Back button (Xbox 360) it brings up the names of all the players in the game. You highlight the player you want to give the points to and press X. Each button press gives that player 500 points.

    2. The ability to swap weapons with another player. This would be done just like in Gears of War 3. You aim down sights at the person, they aim down sights at you. Both players must then press X (although B could easily be used as well), and you swap whatever gun you are holding for the gun the other person is holding. This would be very helpful if you're getting good guns from the box, but another player hasn't been as lucky.

    3. The ability to store a powerup. When you run into a powerup you automatically store it. When you want to activate it, you press Up on the D-pad (a different direction could be used if needed). When you have a powerup already stored, the game operates as it does now, when you run into a powerup, it's automatically used.

    These 3 ideas pretty small, but I think they would be pretty effective in making the games better.

    One of the biggest complaints my friends and I have about Zombies is the length of time of games. We simply don't have the time to play 4, 5, 6 hours or longer. Games often get to the point where the time spent in between rounds (with a crawler or 2 roaming about) exceeds the time spent in the rounds fighting the horde. One of the major reasons for this is that everyone has to hit the box numerous time in order to get the gun they want. There's several ways to combat this

    -Give everyone the ability to refill their ammo. I love the way Spec Ops Survival did this in MW3, you only had to run to the gun crate and spend the $750. Putting a machine on the map that refills your ammo would be the easiest way to handle this. Call it the Ammo Box. Make it 1000 points, that's fine, but having the ability to refill your ammo is a must.

    -Once every space on the map has been opened up, what's the point of the bear in the box? All it does is waste time because you have to chase it down. Once every door has been opened, the box should no longer move. I would be in favor of having multiple boxes on the map, one in each spot that it appears regularly. However, if need be, just put switches near by possible box locations that you activate to make the box appear there. This is much like how you can call the landers on the Ascension map.

    I think both of these ideas would work well together, and I would include them both.

    The rest of my ideas are more general ideas.

    -Include as many perk machines as possible.

    -I also think you should be able to get as many perks as you want. Ways to handle this would be, your first 4 perks are normal price, every perk after that would be double price. Or perhaps just allow you to get whatever perks you want, for the original price they are. A lot of these perks are very specialized anyway so it's not like they're vital.

    -I like the idea of pro perks. However, I favor the idea of killing a certain number of enemies or accumulating a certain number of points in order to get the pro version of a perk. Just having pro perks would be great to me, though, no matter how you get them.

    -I like having multiple paths and verticality on the maps. I liked the catwalk on Der Riese because enemies would be under you and also right in front of you at the same time. You could jump off the left side or right side and actually be in different spots. I like the idea of having different ways to go in order to reach a destination.

    -Being able to buy killstreaks would be awesome. Buying a chopper gunner, calling in napalm (especially if the pro version of a perk gave you immunity to fire, like Flak Jacket Pro in BO), caling in dogs, being able to set down a sentry gun, calling in a carpet bomber. How about a RC-XD that has a Monkey Bomb on it? You can drive it anywhere you want on the map, assuming you can avoid the zombie horde stopping you, and they'll follow it.

    -Speaking of Monkey Bombs, why not have them as well as Gersh Devices and any other specialty grenades you can think of available to you? You can only have 1 at a time anyway.

    -On that same note, I would be in favor of eliminating the box entirely and just adapting the same model that Spec Ops Survival uses, where there are multiple crates on the map that you can buy weapons, grenades, killstreaks, perks, etc. from. I realize that may be too much of a departure from tradtitional Zombies for most, though.

    -Every gun that's in Black Ops 2 should be available in Zombies, whether in the box or on the wall (on in the gun crate, if that idea were to come to fruition). I never understood why this isn't the case in the previous games.

    -I like the idea of a ranking system specific to Zombies. I'm not sure what would be the best way to handle ranking up, though. What would you get for gaining experience and levels? Perhaps this is the way to handle how many perks you can have at once?

    -There should be more things to buy. You should be able to buy and place a turret gun that a player has to shoot themselves. You should be able to buy and place barbed wire or decoys. You should be able to buy and call in a support team, with varying levels depending on how much you spend. For instance, the lowest team could consist of some shotgunners and it goes higher and higher until you reach ray gun wielding assault troops. They could either be there for a limited time, or until they die, depending on how much they cost.

    I could probably come up with more ideas, but I think this is long enough.

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