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Posts posted by kimberly575

  1. If someone already made this, I apologize, but I knew exactly what it meant from the first time I heard it! Now, onto the analysis!

    I need you! To sacrifice the vermin martyr to!

    Bring me back where I saw you die! I will make your last words come true!

    Now I know what I must do!

    This obviously references the Easter egg where you must kill zombies to activate the M.P.D. Maxis died right there In the space station.

    Maxis's last words were "kill them all" and Sam swears to do just that.

    Now in death,

    bring me life...

    All that I am

    will be coming home now

    I did it all for you...

    I'm becoming real now

    with all I am

    All I am...

    Kind of a fancy way of saying Sam's coming out of the M.P.D. And "becoming real" with a physical body. However, the "with all I am" line being repeated kind of scares me, as if it means the nice part and the evil part are becoming real. Now if she had screamed the second part, I would have something to go on with this theory, but for now, meh.

    All that I am

    will be coming home now

    I did it all for you...

    Probably just rushed songwriting regarding the first two lines, but the third probably refers to how she did all of this for her father.

    I swear to you

    I'll kill them all

    I'll make them suffer

    Either killing zombies for our heroes,

    Or yet again, killing the people from 935. Also adds some nice variation from the other lyrics. :D

    Yeah, it's kind of a bump, as I liked this one and it got no response. :(

    If there was a good reason for that, I'll let it fade back out.

    Thanks for your analysis..........

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