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Posts posted by Tfizzl

  1. Personally I would like it if they just kept WAW guns, it seems weird to me that in the cold war era using new guns like the galil or m16 when I should be using the Thompson and such (this is all excluding the power weapons, they should be there no matter what) so I think that they should have kept WAW weapons but kept adding new old style weapons, and I hope they do something new and innovative with the black ops 2 zombie weapon choices.

  2. I think that the guns from WaW need to be added somehow, but this idea isn't how I would do it. I only say this because now on blops zombies there's maybe 1k people playing the classic maps ? (on ps3)

    So if you added basically a sepereate 'playlist' for these classic maps with classic weapons then there'd be even less people and therefore longer matchmaking and so on.

  3. Here's what I think they should do in the next installment of zombies.

    1. Host migration is something that NEEDS to be addressed and implemented, I know that everyone has either had someone who's left mid game, or been the host and had to leave mid game.

    2. Stop putting in stupid perks like dead shot. I never really used the perk, it's not something that I think is very useful. When they think of perks I want something more game changing and useful then just auto targeting to the head.

    3. A ranking system, but before you skip over this I think I have a way to make it work for everyone. I like the idea of having a ranking system that can somehow change zombies. I want 2 different 'game types' of zombies, classic and ranked. In classic zombies it's going to be like how it's always been, you start with a pistol and progress like you always have for the hardcore zombies player. But ranked zombies is for the more casual or just wanting to have fun zombies player. In ranked zombies you rank up by doing different challenges, at the end of your game you could reach say rank 5, so then for your next game you can start the game with a different gun instead of a pistol (eg. Starting the game with a Thompson) in this ranked or fun playing mode you can also customize what zombies are in the map and just do the fun things you want to do.

    Suggestions or edits would be nice and helpful. Really looking foward to the next zombies !

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