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Posts posted by thestereoshoppe

  1. As we all know teams have become very popular on the site as of recently. But the staff feels it is drawing away from the real reason we all started coming to the site, the zombies! At this time we have come to a decision to lock all team topics. We know this will sadden many of you, however for our site to continue to grow and everyone to feel welcome, this at the moment is the best option.

    We are having a staff meeting this coming saturday to discuss this topic along with many others to help decide how to make this site become even more glorious than it already is! Do not be to sad about the closed topics because we already have many ideas how to keep your teams going with out them being the main focus!

    Please feel free to pm me or any one of the great staff here with any questions or concerns with this or anything, or if you have an idea to help the site grow, or something you feel we may need to talk about in our meeting!

    Wow. I cam to this web site to find other good players to play with. I even joined a team or a group of people that like to play zombies that are as good as myself or better. Just what I wanted. Now you are locking the teams from posting? I just started coming to this web site. Really weird. Why lock zombie clans out of the forums. If anything they should be the biggest part of any forum. Sorry to say I will not be visiting much more of this site. Very disappointing. I am not some little kid either but, a grown man who owns a business and loves zombies in my off time. I hope you are able to figure something out.

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