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Posts posted by cannonballer

  1. Hi All

    After getting to round 71 the other week me and my friend set a more realistic challenge for ourselves seeing how high we could get up on the points leaderboard fo Kino

    Now to do this you need to play and make lots of notes on what you have spent and how much you have lost when downed as you play the game

    Without going into to much detail I got my Score up to 1995010 which is probably way to close for comfort as I thought I had a buffer of 15000

    My points and my kills did not record even though both the kills and points where higher than both on my recorded score which was when i only got to round 53 once?? as when we got to 71 my score was over 2900000 and it on records up to 1999990 and my kills were over 5000 and again they wont record past 4999

    So don't understand why it didnt record and my partners score did he finished on 19148110 which ranked him 33 I would have been ranked 8!!! so very gutted any ideas to why this might have happened as I still may try to do it again but if im doing something wrong let me know


  2. OMG!!! My eyes have melted in my sockets :shock:

    Well after starting at 9.00am yesterday morning and playing through until just after 5.00am we got to.....round 71 :D:D:D

    But I am going to b frank about this I will never be trying it again, with only the end of rounds to eat..go to the toilet...drink....

    It becomes very hard work!!!!

    I have heard people say that they don't go for the high rounds because it gets boring and easy!!! I dont think so, after you pass 50 the spawn is so fast at the start of each wave you don't even have time to scratch you nose so no it aint easy and them bloody zombies as predictable as they are when you get them in line, when they are flooding out of every spawn at the same time there is nothing easy about that!

    Well I'm happy but very tired early night tonight and thank god I was not at work today!

  3. OPek5AB8SnI

    Here's a video of Syndicate at his highest round on solo. It is probably the highest round anyone has ever gotten to on Kino der Toten.

    Thats quality wonder how many hours went into that....

    But its only Multiplayer that I am interested in TBH as they are more difficult IMO and count on the leaderboard

  4. Thanks for comments guys....

    We are going to try and go for it this morning to get as far as we can

    Will be doing this with 2 players using a couple of stratagies that we came up with, but have been looking at the leaderboard and it seems that there must be many cheats out there somewhere as the guy at the top of it has no kills :?

    We are hoping to get to 60 + at best and we have worked out that it will take at least 11 hours as at round 50 to 53 the rounds where taking 45 mins or more and im guessing that they will only get longer.

    Will let you guys know how we get on unless we go down before the 53 then I will just keep it to myself ;)

    My gaming names are


    PC & Xbox.....Cannonballer

  5. Hi All new to the forum but had a good luck around and looks great good work!

    I have been playing games online for years and years and have allways been very very anti hacker having been a senior Admin on BBUK for a long time which is a serious scriming and anti cheat clan, when I used to spend my life playing BF2 which was and still is one of the best multiplayer games ever IMO!

    Anyway to my point I am pretty much addicted to Kino and love it!

    But I want to see my name on the leader board but at round 99 is this even possible?

    I have played for 6 hours straight which about killed me with one other player and got to round 53

    Feedback please and thanks for reading

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